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Success of the 2024 African Amnesty Month Commemoration

[Symbolic destruction of 144 illicit weapons on 10 Sept 2024 in front of the CAR National Assembly, presided over by CAR State Minister in charge of DDR and Chair of the African Union Peace and Security Council]


Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR), September 2024 – A landmark event in disarmament and peace efforts unfolded as the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC) played a role in the 2024 continental launch of the African Union's September African Amnesty Month (AAM) by the African Union Peace and Security Council. Held in Bangui, CAR, from September 9-10, the event marked another step toward reducing illicit arms across Africa under the African Union's "Silencing the Guns" initiative. 144 pieces of AK 47 arms were destroyed during the event.

Strengthening Partnerships to Bolster Peace

The presence of UNREC Director Anselme Nahmtante Yabouri at this year's launch in Bangui was instrumental in reinforcing the collaboration between the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and African regional bodies. Ambassador Churchill Ewumbue-Monono, Chair of the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU-PSC) for September, commended UNODA’s political, technical, and financial support, praising the involvement that extended beyond the launch events. UNODA’s assistance has been invaluable, from facilitating MINUSCA’s logistical support for the symbolic destruction of illicit arms to providing financial support to the Regional Center on Small Arms for the Horn of Africa, the Great Lakes Region and Neighboring countries (RECSA) which acted as implementing partner.

[The high table at the official launch of the 2024 edition of the September African Amnesty Month for the voluntary surrender and destruction of illicit weapons. From Right to Left: President of the CAR National Commission on SALW, Head of the CAR DDR Program, UNREC Director, RECSA Executive Secretary, Director of MINUSCA DDR, CEMAC Representative, Chair of the African Union Peace and Security Council, CAR State Minister in charge of DDR.]

This mission highlighted the integration of Weapons and Ammunition Management (WAM) with Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR), and Community Violence Reduction (CVR) efforts, with the potential for a tailored project to assist CAR in preparation for its first municipal elections after the civil war. The proposed WAM-DDR-CVR project, suggested by the AU-PSC Chair, would provide essential support to fragile government institutions, ensuring that the disarmament process contributes to long-term stability.

Building Synergies with MINUSCA and CAR Authorities

UNREC Director discussions with MINUSCA leadership, in particular Special Representative of the Secretary-General Valentine Rugwabiza, deepened UNODA’s understanding of the security and political dynamics in the country. Key discussions centered on strengthening partnerships to advance disarmament and reintegration efforts, particularly considering CAR’s fragile post-conflict context.

Furthermore, interactions with CAR government officials underscored the need for continued assistance in arms control and disarmament. These discussions revealed gaps in CAR’s capacity to manage small arms and light weapons (SALW) and reaffirmed the necessity of tailored support.

Elevating UNODA’s Visibility

Director of UNREC quotes on AAM 2024

The mission also provided a platform for UNODA to showcase its mandate across Africa. Extensive media coverage, including by UN Radio Guira, helped to elevate the visibility of UNODA’s ongoing disarmament work, reinforcing its status as a key player in nonproliferation efforts across the continent. 


Key Outcomes and Recommendations

This mission to Bangui not only strengthened UNREC’s partnerships with AU, MINUSCA and CAR but also identified critical areas for targeted support, including capacity-building for government institutions, particularly in WAM, DDR, and CVR. The success of the symbolic destruction of illicit arms during the event exemplified the collaboration between international and national actors in the fight against the proliferation of illegal weapons. Moving forward, UNODA will focus on developing projects and continuing its advocacy to further peace and security in CAR and beyond.