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West and Central African States Commit to Strengthening Ammunition Management in Lomé

Officials at the opening ceremony of the Informal Meeting on Global Ammunition Framework 2024 for West and Central African states in Lomé

Officials at the opening ceremony of the Informal Meeting on Global Ammunition Framework 2024 for West and Central African states in Lomé


On 4 and 5 September 2024, representatives from 21 West and Central African countries gathered in Lomé, Togo, for a regional meeting organized by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and its Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC). The meeting focused on the implementation of the Global Framework for Through-life Conventional Ammunition Management, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2023. The conference provided a platform for countries, regional organizations, international partners, and civil society groups, including NGOs such as  the West African Action Network on Small Arms (WAANSA), the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), the Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC), and Mines Advisory Group (MAG), to discuss the critical challenges of ammunition management.

Overview of participants at the Informal Meeting on Global Ammunition Framework 2024 for West and Central African states in Lomé
Overview of participants at the Informal Meeting on Global Ammunition Framework 2024 for West and Central African states in Lomé


The two-day conference was comprised of plenary sessions, small group exercises and presentations by thematic experts as well as interventions from a wide range of participants. The resulting insights and recommendations have been captured in an analytical paper which will be submitted as input to the upcoming intergovernmental processes. 

Discussions centered on sustainability, emphasizing the need for better coordination, harmonization of national laws, and the updating of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Participants highlighted the importance of aligning national frameworks with international standards, such as the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG), to strengthen regional cooperation and promote sustainable ammunition management practices. Enhanced collaboration among states and stakeholders was seen as essential to address ongoing challenges effectively.

Safety was another critical topic, with a focus on preventing accidental explosions through risk reduction measures. Participants discussed the importance of implementing systematic surveillance, rigorous monitoring, and secure storage practices. The need for regular inspections, safe disposal of obsolete ammunition, and the relocation of depots away from populated areas were highlighted as vital steps to minimize risks and enhance community safety.

With regard to security related issues, participants underscored the necessity of improving tracking, record-keeping, and marking of ammunition to prevent diversion and misuse. Strengthening these measures was identified as crucial for enhancing accountability and ensuring that ammunition does not fall into unauthorized hands. Participants also called for better data collection, cross-border cooperation, and the use of advanced technologies to secure ammunition stockpiles and prevent illicit trafficking.

Participants reporting conclusions from the plenary sessions
Participants reporting conclusions from the plenary sessions

The meeting also highlighted the importance of gender inclusion in ammunition management, emphasizing the need to create an environment that supports and empowers women’s participation. Discussions focused on addressing cultural biases and stereotypes that limit women’s roles and contributions in the sector

This regional meeting marks a crucial step ahead in addressing the challenges of ammunition management in West and Central Africa. As a way forward, participants are expected to build on the insights and recommendations shared during the meeting to strengthen national and regional actions.

Looking ahead, the next global conference scheduled for June 2025 in New York will serve as a critical platform for reviewing progress and setting the agenda for the continued implementation of the Global Framework. The conference will launch the dedicated follow-up and review process, providing an opportunity for states, NGOs, and other stakeholders to reaffirm their commitments and explore further actions to enhance ammunition management worldwide.

Family picture the Informal Meeting on Global Ammunition Framework 2024 for West and Central African states in Lomé
Family picture the Informal Meeting on Global Ammunition Framework 2024 for West and Central African states in Lomé

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