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What We Do

UNREC’s core efforts consist of promoting universalization of disarmament and arms-control instruments and assisting African States in their effective implementation, with a view to curtailing illicit trafficking and proliferation of arms, enhancing governmental control over national stocks, and increasing national and regional security and stability.

To achieve these objectives, the Centre employs five main approaches which are mutually complementing and reinforcing:

  • Promotion of regional and sub-regional cooperation and coordination
  • Technical Assistance
  • Capacity Building  
  • Outreach and Advocacy
  • Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education
Promotion of regional and sub-regional cooperation and coordination
As the illicit circulation and proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) is a phenomenon which is not limited by States boundaries, UNREC promotes regional and sub-regional cooperation in the fight against them.
  • Organisation of multinational meetings and seminars to promote regional and sub-regional cooperation and to assist States in the formulation and operationalisation of common positions on disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control.

  • Supporting African countries in the implementation of measures that are part of a regional framework in which simultaneous action is taken across the relevant countries.

  • Assisting States in creating the conditions for the coordination of arms control efforts at a sub-regional and regional level by increasing the capacity of individual States to effectively control national stocks and address illicit proliferation and trafficking of SALW.
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