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What We Do

UNREC’s core efforts consist of promoting universalization of disarmament and arms-control instruments and assisting African States in their effective implementation, with a view to curtailing illicit trafficking and proliferation of arms, enhancing governmental control over national stocks, and increasing national and regional security and stability.

To achieve these objectives, the Centre employs five main approaches which are mutually complementing and reinforcing:

Promotion of regional and sub-regional cooperation and coordination

  • Technical Assistance
  • Capacity Building  
  • Outreach and Advocacy
  • Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education


Promoting of Regional and Sub-Regional Cooperation

As the illicit circulation and proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) is a phenomenon which is not limited by States boundaries, UNREC promotes regional and sub-regional cooperation in the fight against them.

  • Organisation of multinational meetings and seminars to promote regional and sub-regional cooperation and to assist States in the formulation and operationalisation of common positions on disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control.

  • Supporting African countries in the implementation of measures that are part of a regional framework in which simultaneous action is taken across the relevant countries.

  • Assisting States in creating the conditions for the coordination of arms control efforts at a sub-regional and regional level by increasing the capacity of individual States to effectively control national stocks and address illicit proliferation and trafficking of SALW.

Click here for information on recent activities. [Link to the UNREC updates:]


Technical Assistance

UNREC provides technical assistance to African States and regional economic communities (RECs) in increasing control over, reducing the risk of diversion and combatting illicit trafficking of SALW and their ammunition, as well as fostering non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). In doing so, UNREC facilitates harmonised implementation of disarmament and non-proliferation instruments and standards existing at the global, regional and sub-regional level.

Initiatives include:

  • Supporting States in identifying gaps in national arms control strategies and measures.

  • Assisting States in drafting national reports and national implementation action plans as requested by international instruments including, but not limited to UNSCR 1540 (2004) and the UN Programme of Action and thereby enhancing transparency and building confidence.

  • Assisting States in marking, registration and tracing of SALW in line with the International Tracing Instrument, the International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS), and standards endorsed at sub-regional levels.

  • Supporting States in enhancing security and facilitating management of national stocks of arms and ammunition in line with the ISACS [Link to ] and the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG) [Link to

  • Assisting States in the destruction of seized, obsolete or surplus SALW and ammunition in line with the ISACS to and the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG)

  • Providing legal advice to States seeking to update or overhaul national legislation and legal frameworks relating to SALW and WMD by conducting comparative legal studies, contrasting existing laws with international instruments and emitting legal opinions on proposed bills.

Click here for information on recent activities. [Link to the UNREC updates]


Capacity Building

The Centre seeks to build capacities of national authorities in controlling arms and ammunition, preventing their diversion and curtailing their illicit trafficking and proliferation.

Initiatives include:

  • Training national authorities in conducting marking and registration of SALW in line with the International Tracing Instrument, the ISACS, and standards endorsed at sub-regional levels.

  • Training national authorities in the identification and tracing of SALW and ammunition in line with the International Tracing Instrument, the ISACS, and standards endorsed at sub-regional levels.

  • Training national authorities in enhancing security and facilitating management of national stocks of arms and ammunition in line with the ISACS and the IATG.

  • Training national authorities in the destruction of SALW and ammunition in accordance with the ISACS and the IATG.

  • Drafting of practical guides to increase the knowledge of practitioners and diplomats of applicable disarmament instruments, practical measures and international and regional disarmament and non-proliferation mechanisms with a view to enhancing their capacities to effectively participate in disarmament negotiations and address new challenges in the areas of peace, disarmament and non-proliferation.

Click here for information on recent activities. [Link to the UNREC updates]


Outreach and Advocacy

Through outreach and advocacy, UNREC promotes disarmament and arms-control in Africa. Also, the Centre fosters understanding of the links between disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control on the one hand and sustainable development, durable peace, as well as security and stability on the other and emphasizes cross-cutting issues such as gender and human rights.

Initiatives include:

  • Organisation of events to commemorate international observances that relate to the Centre’s mandate, including but not limited to Disarmament Week, International Day of Peace, International Day of Non-Violence, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the African Women’s Decade.

  • Organisation of and participation in activities organised by States, the African Union, Regional Economic Communities, or non-governmental organisations, aiming at imparting knowledge on international disarmament and non-proliferation instruments and standards, and facilitating understanding of those instruments and the synergies that exist among them. Those activities address a wide range of stakeholders and groups including, but not limited to, national authorities mandated to coordinate SALW control efforts, diplomats, members of parliament, youth, women, and media.

  • Dissemination of information on disarmament and non-proliferation matters and efforts through several communication channels including newsletters, press releases and interviews.

Click here for information on recent activities. [Link to the UNREC updates]


Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education

UNREC works to empower stakeholders to effectively contribute to disarmament and non-proliferation measures by changing the attitudes of and stimulating critical thinking by individuals towards socially accepted proliferation, glorification and use of arms as well as illicit arms proliferation and trafficking.

Initiatives include:

  • Conducting research on disarmament and non-proliferation measures;

  • Imparting knowledge on disarmament and non-proliferation to a wide range of groups including, but not limited to youth, women, media, national authorities, and members of parliament.

  • Engaging with stakeholders to stimulate discussions and critical thinking on socially accepted proliferation, glorification and use of arms as well as illicit arms proliferation and trafficking.

Click here for information on recent activities. [Link to the UNREC updates:]