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UNREC: Advancing Disarmament , Non-Proliferation and Arms Control in Africa.

The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC) is dedicated to advancing peace, security, and sustainable development throughout Africa. UNREC supports Member States by providing technical assistance, policy guidance, capacity building, and advocacy to implement effective disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation measures. These efforts help countries meet international standards, strengthen national security, and promote regional peace, aligning with the African Union’s “Silencing the Guns by 2030” initiative. In line with the Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace, which calls for integrating disarmament into broader peace and security strategies, UNREC focuses on curbing the flow of arms and addressing the underlying causes of conflict. UNREC also works to integrate disarmament into other sustainable development goals, such as reducing violence (SDG 16), promoting gender equality (SDG 5), and fostering resilient communities (SDG 11). Furthermore, UNREC is actively developing links between conventional weapons management and the prevention of violent extremism, emphasizing the importance of coordinated collective action, with community-focused approaches.

Small Arms and Light Weapons / Conventional Weapons
This image for UNREC Small Arms and Light Weapons

Small Arms and Light Weapons / Conventional Weapons

As the illicit circulation and proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) is a phenomenon which is not limited by States boundaries, UNREC promotes regional and sub-regional cooperation in the fight against them...
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This image is for UNREC 2023 International Women Day

What we do?

UNREC’s core efforts consist of promoting universalization of disarmament and arms-control instruments and assisting African States in their effective implementation, with a view to curtailing illicit trafficking and proliferation of arms, enhancing governmental control over national stocks, and increasing national and regional security and stability.
To achieve these objectives, the Centre employs five main approaches which are mutually complementing and reinforcing:

UNREC Upcoming Events

End of January 2024, Lomé-TOGO

Regional Workshop on the Convention of Certain CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS (CCW) IN AFRICA

End of January 2024, Lomé-TOGO

29th February to 1st March 2024, in Lomé-TOGO

Regional Meeting in Preparation of the Fourth Review Conference (RevCon4) on UN PoA SALW for West and Central African States

4th to 5th March 2024 , in Nairobi-KENYA

Regional Meeting in Preparation of the Fourth Review Conference (RevCon4) on UN PoA SALW for East and South African States

4th to 5th March 2024 , in Nairobi-KENYA

UNREC Relevant Personalities

“Disarmament can play an important role in ending existing conflicts and preventing the outbreak of new strife. Disarmament and arms control processes provide the breathing space for confidence to be built, stability to be strengthened and trust to be established.”