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UNREC supports Mali in its efforts to develop a new law for the control of SALW

pssm mali2On 8 and 9 August 2016 in partnership with the Malian National Commission for the Fight Against the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons CNLPAL) UNREC, jointly with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) organised a legal drafting workshop to support Mali in its efforts to develop a new law for the control of small arms and light weapons.

Under the leadership of the president of the CNLPAL, General Coulibaly Kane, more than 20 international and local legal experts, legislators and practitioners in the security sector spent the two days reviewing the current legal framework and deliberating on the development of a comprehensive law aligned to Mali’s current national needs and compliant with its international obligations.

The workshop made a number of useful proposals that will be presented to Malian authorities for consideration.

Photos from the event