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International Women’s Day:UNREC joins KAIPTC in promoting empowerment and leadership of women in disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control

Jointly, network members and UNREC representatives discussed ways to foster implementation of the existing instruments and to link them to the global and regional development agendas, including goal 16 targets 1 and 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals on reducing violence and the illicit traffic of arms and the African Union’s aspiration of ‘Silencing the Guns’ by 2020''.

Among others, discussions in that regard focused on the establishment of community watch mechanisms in border villages to help prevent and address the illicit trafficking of arms, and on ways to change attitudes of members of the society at all levels and in particular the youth towards socially accepted proliferation and illicit trafficking of arms. Moreover, the need to enhance civil-military relationships and to conduct research and disseminate information on the exploitation of culture and traditional thinking to facilitate armed violence and terrorist attacks were addressed.
Ms. Ige also seized the opportunity to exchange with the Commandant of KAIPTC and to explore ways for continued cooperation and collaboration between the respective institutions.
Click here to read the message of the United Nations Secretary-General on the International Women's Day