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UNREC Assists the Republic of Togo with Destruction of Seized and Obsolete Weapons and Ammunitions

111September 21, 2019- To mark the International Day of peace in Togo, the Government, through its National Commission on Small Arms and Light weapons with the technical assistance of the United Nations Regional Centre for peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC), proceeded to the destruction of 2,000 seized and obsoletes weapons and more than 10,000 ammunition.

Chaired by the Ministry of Security, the ceremony took place in the presence of the United Nations Resident Coordinator, the Director of UNREC, representatives of the Ministry of Security and National Defence, traditional authorities, NGO representatives and the media.

The ceremony fits well not only in the context of the United Nations Secretary General topic regarding “Climate Action for Peace” aiming at inducing Member States to take necessary measures to fight against global warming and its consequences, but also with the “Amnesty month in Africa” launched by African at the 29th Summit of the Heads of States and Government to combat the proliferation, circulation, trafficking and illicit use of Small Arms and Light weapons (SALW) across the continent.

The weapons destruction activity is another step under the project entitled: “Technical Assistance for Physical Security and Stockpile Management, Marking and Destruction of Small Arms and Light Weapons and Related Ammunitions in Togo” financed by the Government of Japan.

The present project shows the commitment of the Government of Togo to deal with security issues in the country and within the Western Region of Africa, sending to neighbouring countries a strong signal of the observance of the African Union’s agenda for Peace, Security and development.

Photos from the event:

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