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High-level Regional Methodological Workshop on Electoral Security in Africa


The United Nations Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) jointly organize a high-level regional methodological workshop on electoral security in Africa from 24 to 25 June 2019 at the UNREC headquarters in Lomé, Togo.

This workshop is part of the launching of the project " Support for Security Sector Reform in Law Enforcement during Election Period in a Rule of Law the Context" and will see the participation of senior staff of the security apparatus of French, Portuguese and Spanish-speaking African countries involved in the implementation of the project, namely:

During these two days of work, participants will review current dynamics in their respective countries with regards to election security and identify challenges and opportunities for capacity building of their defense and security forces.

This workshop is the first of a series and will be followed by a second which will be dedicated to African English-speaking countries covered by the project.

The project "Support for Security Sector Reform in Law Enforcement during the Election Period in a Rule of Law  Context” aims to improve election security in a rule of law context through capacity building of the public security forces in their sovereign duty of protecting people and institutions from a human security perspective.

For more information, please contact UNREC at Tel : +228 22 53 50 00.