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UNREC and UNDP support Madagascar with training activities in physical security and stockpile management, weapons marking and data recording

UNREC and UNDP Madagascar have joined forces, in the framework of UNREC Arms Marking Project and UNDP Security Sector Reform Project in Madagascar, to provide capacity-building to the Malagasy Defense and Security Forces (FDS) on physical security and stockpile management, weapons marking and data record keeping, held from 06 to 18 May 2019 in Vontovorona.

The workshop brought together one hundred (100) participants representing different bodies of the National Defense and Security Forces including the Armed Forces, the Police, the Gendarmerie, Customs, the Water and Forest Authorities, Penitentiary authorities and other stakeholders.

The main purpose of this workshop is to contribute to strengthening the physical security, control and management of weapons and ammunition in order to effectively combat proliferation and illicit trafficking of SALW, reduce the incidence of armed violence in Madagascar and restore trust between defense and security forces and the population.

During two weeks, participants took part in practical exercises of weapon marking, establishment and maintenance of arms register, database management and in practice of physical security and inventory of stock management.

To support this training of trainers and ensure its continuity within the various corps and detachments, UNDP has provided the Government of Madagascar with a batch of Pryor-type portable marking machines as well as computers to guarantee securing of data and rapid information processing, while UNREC has provided training experts, in collaboration with the Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA) and the Togo National Commission on Small Arms (CNLPAL) and two Couth MC 2000 arms marking machines, in the framework of the Project entitled “Weapon Marking, Rehabilitation/Construction of Storage Units and Destruction of Obsolete Weapons and Ammunition” funded by Japan.