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ECCAS-UNOCA-UNREC: Close collaboration in strengthening the control of small arms and light weapons in Central Africa

From 6 – 7 September, Libreville, Gabon, a working session was organized with the staff of UNOCA and ECCAS led respectively by SRSG François Louceny Fall, ECCAS Secretary General Ahmad ALLAM-MI and director Anselme Yabouri. This tripartite ECCAS-UNOCA-UNREC meeting paved the way for collaboration between UNREC and the Secretariat of ECCAS in the implementation of the project ‘Supporting the implementation of the Kinshasa Convention’. The project aims to support Central African states in addressing the various aspects of illicit proliferation of SALW, through the effective implementation of the Kinshasa Convention, in line with the vision of "Silencing the Guns in Africa 2020 "of the African Union (AU). More information: