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UNREC supports gender perspectives in preventing the acquisition of arms by terrorist groups in Lake Chad Basin

genderThe United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa organized a capacity building workshop aimed at supporting gender perspectives in disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control processes in the Lake Chad basin from 18 to 20 of December in Lomé, Togo.

The workshop is part of the project entitled, “Mainstreaming Gender Perspectives in Preventing the Acquisition of Arms and Ammunitions by Terrorists Groups in the Lake Chad Basin”, and is funded by the Kingdom of Sweden.

The project was established to support the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security, 2349 (2017) on peace and security in Africa and 2370 (2017) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts, as well as other relevant resolutions on these topics adopted by the General Assembly. Its purpose is to increase the participation of women at all levels of decision making in conflict resolution and support the achievement of target 16.4 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to significantly reduce illicit financial flows and arms trafficking by 2030.  

During the three-day workshop, representatives from four lake chad basin countries, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria, and experts from the civil society deliberated on several themes that emphasized the relevance of the involvement of women in the fight against the proliferation of arms and ammunition.

More Photos from the Event here.