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Press Release:Regional Consultation Workshop on Physical Security and Stockpile Management in the Sahel Region

pssm2The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC) will host a Regional Workshop on Physical Security and Stockpile Management from 15 – 17 November 2016, in Lome Togo. The workshop will take place at the hotel Sarakawa.

This workshop is being held within the framework of the Physical Security and Stockpile Management Project – PSSM- Sahel, co-financed by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, (UNODA) and the European Union. The project aims to support countries in the region, namely Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Nigeria to prevent the diversion and trafficking of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and their ammunitions.

This workshop is being held with the support of Togolese authorities and will bring together senior government officers from the beneficiary countries and international experts from regional and nongovernmental organizations actively engaged in the PSSM activities to share experiences and information gained from the National Consultations held in these countries during the initial phase of the project.
Participants will also deliberate on ways to enhance effectiveness in implementation and sustainability in the long-term.

During the three days of the meeting, national and international experts will review the findings of the initial phase on Small and Light Weapons (SALW) legislation, administrative and operational procedures with the aim of establishing the necessary requirements in order to align them with sub-regional and international
standards and obligations under the different international instruments.

The workshop will also develop and provide guidance and orientation for the subsequent phases of the project.

 More information about the project