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Capacity Building

The Centre seeks to build capacities of national authorities in controlling arms and ammunition, preventing their diversion and curtailing their illicit trafficking and proliferation.

Initiatives include:

  • Training national authorities in conducting marking and registration of SALW in line with the International Tracing Instrument, the ISACS, and standards endorsed at sub-regional levels.

  • Training national authorities in the identification and tracing of SALW and ammunition in line with the International Tracing Instrument, the ISACS, and standards endorsed at sub-regional levels.

  • Training national authorities in enhancing security and facilitating management of national stocks of arms and ammunition in line with the ISACS and the IATG.

  • Training national authorities in the destruction of SALW and ammunition in accordance with the ISACS and the IATG.

  • Drafting of practical guides to increase the knowledge of practitioners and diplomats of applicable disarmament instruments, practical measures and international and regional disarmament and non-proliferation mechanisms with a view to enhancing their capacities to effectively participate in disarmament negotiations and address new challenges in the areas of peace, disarmament and non-proliferation.